11th Keighley (Cullingworth)
Scout Group

11th Keighley (Cullingworth) Scout Group

Contact Details

11th Keighley (Cullingworth) Scout Group is based in the UK, in the West Yorkshire village of Cullingworth.

The information contained in this list can only be used for bona fide Scouting purposes; please note it must not be used for mass mailing - even for Scouting purposes.  The information may be used by individuals to contact other individuals on a one-to-one basis.

Group Scout Leader

Teresa Davy
Home telephone: 01535 272766
Mobile telephone: 07887 530951
email: teresa@davy.me

Explorer Scout Leader

Phil Dickerson
Mobile telephone: 07977 482620
email: dickersons@live.co.uk

Assistant Explorer Scout Leader

Tim Beer
Home telephone: 01535 272773
email: tim-beer@hotmail.co.uk

Scout Leader

Julie Snook
Home telephone: 01535 275453
Mobile telephone: 07827 318682
email: julie.snook@talktalk.net

Assistant Scout Leader

Mike Lacey
Home telephone: 01535 271522
email: mike976@btinternet.com

Cub Scout Leader

Beverley Fairlie
Mobile telephone: 07791 407804
email: beverleyfairlie@gmail.com

Beaver Scout Leader

Andrew Matthews
Home telephone: 01535 606702
Mobile telephone: 07980 399772
email: andrew@snowdensofhaworth.co.uk

Assistant Beaver Scout Leader

Linda Copland
Home telephone: 01535 274639
email: linda.copland@ymail.com

Squirrel Scout Leader

Nicki Higgins
Mobile telephone: 07834 457798
email: nickijo.1612@gmail.com

Assistant Squirrel Scout Leader

Paddy Ryan
email: paddyryan_uk@yahoo.co.uk

Group Chairman

David Copland
Home telephone: 01535 274639
email: d.copland@live.co.uk

Group Treasurer

Ian Fairlie
Mobile telephone: 07539 013 712
email: ian.fairlie@outlook.com

Group Secretary

Sally Heyes
email: sheyes@onetel.com


Stephen Davy
Home telephone: 01535 272766
email: stephen@davy.me